Thursday, April 8, 2010

Big and Beautiful....

I am a big and beautiful women! I know that I write alto about losing weight and all that fun stuff and that is because I am not happy being this heavy but the truth is I love the fact that I have curves and some meat on my bones. I have no problem being plus size at all. Yesterday I was looking on a PLUS SIZE clothing web sit for a new swim suit and well all the models are stick THIN!! Hello it is for plus size women!!! Not everyone wants to be skin and bones! I want to see true plus size women in these clothes!
I use to look at women who were thin and I wanted that so badly, when I was younger I always imagined that I wasn't really fat I just wore a fat suit and that I could take it off any time I wanted to. Then I came to realize that all the skinny girls were just bitches and they were always worrying about there weight.
Look at our history and the art, men were drawing women with big butts and wide hips and women we soft around the tummy. I believe that those women are gorgeous and that is how I imagined my self now. I will never have rock hard abs or something that wont jiggle but I have curves that are sexy. So I am proud to be a big beautiful women!!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So I follow a blog that is doing 10 things you love and hate about your spouse so I thought I would list mine.


1. He loves God, The reason why i feel in love with him.

2. He makes me laugh! it can be the dumbest thing but he can always crack me up.

3. He is hard working.

4. He is the best daddy to our son. They can play for ever.

5. He makes me feel beautiful and sexy even when I know I look like hell.

6. He lets me pick where to eat when we go out.

7. He makes me feel smart, even when I say something of the wall

8. He helps cook dinner, even if it just making the salad.

9. He holds me just right when we get to sleep together at night.

10.He plays Scrabble with me and he hates that game.


1. He never take the trash out when I ask him , I have to remind him a million times

2. He is loud when he comes in from work, I always hear him taking his uniform off, drives me crazy!

3. He never buys him self clothes.

4. He works to much!

5. He never tells me what he really wants.

6. He makes the car a mess.

7. He leaves the newspaper on the floor and then my son decides to take it all over the house!

8. He is better at losing weight then I am.

9.He is a push over when it comes to our son

10. He beats me at Scrabble!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So I lost 4 pounds this week!!! Which is freaking awesome!! I have been doing the warm up and then trying to do things around the house that I can count as a "work out" and then me and then hubby do the warm up together again. Yesterday I work in the yard all day and now I can barley move my legs but hey it is all good!!! I have to lose 5 pounds to reach my personal goal and when I hit that mark I a going to reset my goal, I think I am being smarter about this time around instead of thinking I can lose 10 pounds a week which I know is not going to happen I know I can lose at least 3-5 pounds a week and it will all add up in the end!
Also need to say Great Job to the BESTIE!! She lost 5 pounds this week!! GREAT JOB LOVE!!!! so PROUD of you before we know it we will reach our GOALS TOGETHER!!!!
Well today I am taking it easy till my hubby gets up and then going to work out with him and maybe a nice walk if is doesn't rain!!!

Just melted my heart....

I got this off a blog I follow and I just loved how he tells us about his wife...

According to Our Fearless Leader, our topic today is:

Ten things my spouse does that I LOVE and 10 things about my spouse I HATE.

Let's see . . . Love/Hate. Very strong words. Love, I can handle. Hate? We'll see . . .

And this question is really looking for two very different kinds of responses. One is about doing, a very ethical sort of inquiry. The other is about essence. Actions vs. Being. Hmm . . .

Alrighty, then.


1) She is a great kisser. From the first clumsy effort, over piping hot pizza, I was hooked.

2) She asks questions . . . When it matters, she asks for clarification.

3) . . . but not too many questions. The devil is in the details, after all.

4) She makes kickass mashed potatoes.

5) And gravy.

6) She smiles a lot. It ties the room together.

7) She scrubs my back in the shower. Despite all the hair and age spots, I might add. And she uses a scrunchie. Score!

8) She volunteers. Whether it's building sets for the school play or helping the new art teacher get acclimated to Little Johnnie's Post Nasal Drip, she's on it. And never expects a Thank You.

9) She lets me drive. Even if it's merely over the river and through the woods, I get to sit in the Captain's Chair. And she feeds me cookies and chats me up to keep me awake.

10) She plays Guitar Hero. Even the really hard Tool songs. She emerges herself in the things others enjoy, and makes them that much more fun.


1) Her heart is large. She loves everyone. Even the people I tend to loathe with more than a small amount of passion. I wish she'd hate people more.

2) Her hands are tender. They touch things with a tenderness and compassion I often lack. I wish she'd smack me around more. (No, not like that!)

3) Her eyes are focused. She sees all and never looks away. I wish she'd blink every once in a while so I could get away with more stuff.

4) Her mind is young. Not in a childish way, but in an innocent way. I wish she'd share my frequent cynicism.

5) Her brain is sharp. She gets A's on Big Brain Academy. Me? I keep searching in vain for the pass/fail option.

6) Her feet are quick. She runs ahead, looking for adventure. I wish she'd stop for a minute and let me catch up.

7) Her lips are sealed. She refuses to gossip or belittle anyone. I wish she'd let fly more.

8) Her legs are strong. Harper legs, we call them. Hers carry the weight of it all and never grow weary. I wish she'd stumble occasionally.

9) Her ears are tuned. She hears the good and filters the bad. I wish she'd listen to me when I whine.

10) Her body is a temple. She looks great all the freaking time. I wish she'd get older already.

In sum: My mama didn't raise no fool. I do indeed know how to pick 'em, no?

Monday, April 5, 2010

The ABC of me!

A - Available or Taken: Taken
B - Best Friend: Amanda
C - Cake or Pie: Pie – Cake
D - Drink of Choice: Coke but I am trying to drink diet.
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday: Computer
F - Favorite Color: Yellow and Purple
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears
H - Hour you normally wake up: 8 am
I - Indulgence: not real sure
J - January or February: Jan
K - Kids: 1
L - Life Incomplete Without: Friends
M - Marriage Date: April 21
N - Number of Siblings: 2
O - Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P - Phobias or Fears: Losing my family
Q - Favorite Quote: You are the twilight of my life... the new moon on my horizon... the eclipse of my being...and the breaking dawn to every morning...

R - Reason to Smile: my hubby and son!
S - Season: Autumn
T - Turkey or Beef: Turkey
U - Unknown Fact About Me: not real sure
V - Veggie You lima beans
W - Worst Habit: over thinking
X - X-rays: like 10
Y - Your Favorite Food: pasta
Z - Zodiac: Virgo

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter and I pray that everyone is having a wonderful day with your familys!