Saturday, April 16, 2011

Take over...

So far 2011 has been a great year and there has been so many blessings in my life this year. I know a lot of changes are about to happen and I know that God has so much planned for my family . We thought that we were going to be going one way, but God had something else in mind for us, we are just not sure what he has in store for us. I am ready to see what he has been planning for us.
The past week has really opened my eyes that I am not in control of my life, but God is. We may have our whole life planned out for us, then God comes along and shows us a better more fulfilling life.
We just have to learn how to truly give up our own wants and step out on faith and know that God will provide us with a life that we could never give our selves.
I really don't handle change very well and I see God changing my life right before my eyes and I have my moments of weakness and question what God is trying to teach me. I know if I would just step back and allow Him to take control then I would be amazed with what he could do for my family.
I am going to try and give up my concerns and let God take over, allowing him to give my family the best life possible.