Tuesday, July 27, 2010

No connection...

Hey I just wanted to drop a quick note, I am wont be on for a while my computer is down and so who knows when I can get back on, I am the besties right now. So I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and I pray I get my computer fixed soon!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

LATE... (again)

Well I have not started yet, I am 2 weeks late I was suppose to start between the 12Th-14Th and I haven't yet. I want to go buy a test but I was 8 weeks late one time and I drove Thomas crazy with my test taking. I really hate this I just wish I was a normal girl and started at the same time of the month every month, so I don't have to sit here wondering.
I want to take a test to ease my mind but on the other hand I really don't want to see "Not Pregnant" on that stupid pink stick. What going to happen is I am going to start as soon as I get on the plan for Vegas! That would suck so bad!!!!
Think I will wait one more week and then maybe take one. Who knows maybe this pink little stick will say " Pregnant " I doubt but who knows....