Friday, January 15, 2010

Going Out!!

I am super excited about tomorrow night!! Going out with the girls!! and I am going to get a break from son all day!!!! It has been a while since I haven't had Elijah, Thomas has Fri and sat off now so it is great!!! I already figured with my points what I am going to get and what i can drink so that is done (:
Doing laundry right now and after dinner I am going to clean up the house so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow. Going to be a great day!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010


My husband went to midnights last night and he is suppose to be home at 7 am and well he is still not home and pulled a car over and it had drugs in it. So he is just now booking in his evidence and doing his report so he won't be home for a few more hours... This shift is going to be hard to get use to for a while. He was worried that he wouldn't get into anything on midnights well he was totally wrong!
Anyways I am on week 2 of weight watchers and I have lost 2 pounds! I am going to need to start working out so I can lose more weight!!!! I also have gone a WHOLE week with out a coke whoo hooo go me!!! Well I have alot to do today and I am going to try and get most of it done before he comes home so I can keep the house quite today while he is sleeping... Have a great week!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ch. Frozen Yogurt!!!!

I have been doing really good this past week. Tomorrow get to weigh and see how much I have lost. I think I have done good. Yesterday we ate out for the first time all week and we had chines and I at all of my points and I had to dip into my weekly points but I still have 18 weekly points left let me tell ya I was thrilled. I realized something yesterday was when you are changing your eating habits your whole body is changing. I have been dizzy and just right now tired and just feeling BLAH and I think that was the coke, well last night we went to go get some ch. frozen yogurt and well they didn't have any so they gave up vanilla which I don't like, I had a major melt down!!! I don't know what was wrong with me all I wanted all day was some ch. frozen yogurt not freaking VANILLA so after me and my husband got in a huge fight I realized that it had nothing to do with the yogurt, I have been PMSing and stressed out about what to do with my son and for some reason that yogurt just pushed me over the edge. I look back and God do I feel stupid. I knew something was going to happen sooner or later since I have been so depressed these past couple of day. So after I took my shower and ate dinner and calmed down, my loving husband went to another store and got me some ch. frozen yogurt. I am very luck to have a man like him as a husband he loves me for who I am and he knows me better then anyone in this world. So the night ended better then I thought I got my yogurt and the best man in the world! What else can a girl ask for???