Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feeling Good...

Today has been a great day so far! We got and made pancakes,bacon and eggs for breakfast. Then went over to Target to get Elijah some new jean, He is going out with his Grandma and Papa tonight so Thomas and I are going to go to a dinner and a movie!!! Thomas vacation is coming next week and I am so happy to get to spend some time with him!!! Well going to go take a nap with the Elijah!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010


I have been on a emotional roller coaster for the past few weeks and I have to say I am ready to get off! I am having a hard time with my weight loss and I am so ready to just give up and stay this weight forever! I have change my eating habits and stopped drinking real coke and I only diet coke if they don't have ice tea and I have only lost 10 pounds and I have been doing Weight Watchers since January. I know that is a good amount to lose but I have been at the same weight for 3 weeks now. I want to start walking but out weather has been beyond crazy!
I have been overweight my whole life and I know I will not ever be "skinny" and I really don't want to be "skinny" I just want to feel good about my self. and on top of it I went and got my hair done, I went really light and I guess it I saw it different in my head. I am getting use to it but I don't love it. I wanted a change and well I got one.
I have set a goal for my self and I am going to really try and stick with it, I always quit everything I start and I tired of doing that to my self. So we will see how the next couple of weeks go!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010


I am so sick of dirty dishes and dirty clothes!! I feel like that is all i do, i swear i can just finish my last load of laundry and then 30 minutes later i have another pile and i have no idea where it comes from!! I have been really trying to stay on top of it but oh my goodness you would think I have 10 kids and 4 husbands!!!!!!
guess that is the price i have to pay to be able to stay home with my son...

Going to the store to get some grocery and then coming home to do, you guessed it dishes and LAUNDRY!!!!