Saturday, September 24, 2011

Going Fast...

This pregnancy has gone by faster than I thought it would, I found out pretty early so I thought I would be pregnant forever! Yeah I was wrong!!!
Monday I will be 28 weeks and I will be entering my third trimester according to my What to Expect book. It just seems like yesterday hubby and I were talking about how we have plenty of time and now we are down to 3 months! To be honest with you I am freaking out!! I haven’t even bought her a single thing; I will pick up something at the store I think oh I have time to get her something. .. Now we are almost here and I still haven’t bought her anything! By this time with Elijah I had so many outfits and toys for him!
I am feeling more pregnant now, my belly is getting bigger and it is getting hard to breathe because Ms. Piper loves my ribs! She moves a lot at night and she moves with ever Thomas talks to her. She loves to stretch out and do a little dance on my bladder. I can’t wait to see what she looks like, Elijah had dark hair like me and big lips like Thomas so I can’t help but wonder if she is going to look like Elijah or completely different! I see a curly haired little girl but other than that I have no idea. We go in on Tuesday for another ultrasound and I am excited to see her again and this time Thomas gets to go with me!!
I went and bought some new maternity clothes and they are super cute, I just wish it was this easy to find cute things when I am not pregnant LoL!
We have so much to do before she gets here. We have to move things around in the house and deep clean it since we have a black lab who just loves to leave her hair EVERYWHERE!! Tomorrow my mother and bestie and I are going to go register at Babies R US and maybe target! I am excited to get that done with my two favorite ladies!!! We are going to start planning the baby shower and all that fun stuff! We are having a Halloween themed one! I cannot wait for our baby shower, Elijah’s was so much fun and I am looking forward to celebrating with all our family and friends. We are incredibility blessed and I couldn’t thank God enough for all the wonderful people he has put in our life and I can’t wait till Piper gets to meet all of them!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Headache? Check
Sore Throat? Check
Stuffy/Runny Nose? Check

Yep I am sick!! I hate being sick and pregnant because it a double hit! You can’t really take anything and you already tired from being pregnant so let’s add everything on top of that you just have no energy! I have been in bed all day with a box of Lotion tissues and Tylenol! I am praying that it doesn’t turn into strep because (knock on wood) I haven’t gotten it since I found out I was pregnant. I hope this clears up fast because I have a great weekend planned!
On an update, I passed my three hour glucose test!!!!

Elijah went to the fair today with my parents and that was great because I was able to get some rest and he got to have fun! Thank you mom and dad for being awesome!
Now I am going to take more cold medicine (it is safe) and watch Bridesmaids!