Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I just finished watching the movie " My life in ruins" and it was one of my favorite movies to watch just to get lost in all of the wonderful historical ruins. It is about this women who moves to Greece to start over and to find her " mojo" or as Greece calls it her Kefi and she is tour guide and take everyone to see these amazing building and statues and everything else well anyways she finds love and finds friendship with the people on the tour. To go to Greece is a dream of mine. To stand in front of the ancient buildings and to see the ocean so blue. Just stand there and take everything in. When I watch the movie it always brings tears to my eyes because of the beauty of ancient ruins and to hear some of the history behind it just takes my breath away. I was really never into history until I got older and I really would like to learn more about ancient Greece. I pray one day I will get to go to Greece and stand on the same ground that the Olympics started or to swim in the ocean. There are only a few movies that move me and this is one of them...