Tuesday, May 29, 2012


About six years ago around this time I recommitted my life, I was lost and hurting and I just thought I was worthless and I was doing wrong and not caring. little did I know it was something I had to go through to learn and truly understand the forgiveness of God.
    I still try to go my way and think I am in control of my life but he has patience for me and allows me to realize on my own that  He knows what my heart and soul needs, not what I think I need.
 I am a sinner and I try to to do right but I still stumble and fall but by with the help of my Savior I am able to get back up and keep walking.
 I am grateful to be a sinner, if I wasn't, If I were perfect and did no wrong then I would not get to know the love of God and my Savior. He died for ME and My Sins! Since I am a sinner I get to know the unconditional love of my Heavenly Father.
  How amazing is that? To know you will always be loved and to have hand to guide you and pick you up when you are broken and hurt. He died for us so we would  know what true love is.
 In the past few months I have learned how to really pray, to open my heart and to actually listen to what he is trying to tell me. I never thought I would be where I am at right now in my life, however I am completely happy and my heart is full of joy and love because of the road he has set for my family. He is in control and I know he will always provide my needs for my family and friends.
  I am sinner and I am grateful to be one so I can tell other people about my stumbles and falls and how I have a God who is always there to help me back up and dust me off and show me the path with less pot holes to fall into.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I have been trying to work on my blog, however for some reason it is not working the way I would like. So I am annoyed! My backgrounds are not fitting the right way and so I am about to throw my computer... OK not really but that what I want to do. So hopefully I can figure out what the deal is and get it the way I like it.
 OK I am done venting!!