Saturday, May 15, 2010


Today was a really good day! We went to the train museum and Elijah had a blast! He got to ride his first train! Amanda and the kids came with us and that made it so much more fun!



The train ride was fun, we went only 10 mph but hey it a little train! At first we sat outside which today was a pretty day a bit cloudy but there was a nice breeze. Elijah was super good and he just sat there and look around.







Then we moved inside and we sat up in the higher sits and let me tell you I didn't think I could get up there let alone get down! But thanks to my wonderful husband he was able to help me down. It was really neat being able to see from the top of the train. Poor Nicky though he thought if we went to fast he would fall out of the window, and every time the train would jerk I would grab on to Brendan because you know this 9 year old is going to save his aunt Heather from falling! He said he would though!! The train ride was about 40 minutes long. I would like to take Elijah on a real train ride you know that goes faster then 10 mph!!! But all in all it was a great day!

My Hero ~ Brendan and I




Amanda and Amber


Thomas and Elijah


After the train ride we went over to Olive Garden for a early dinner since all of us were starving!!! I am so happy we were able to take him to see all of the trains!!!

Here are some more pictures of a few trains...



Thomas and Elijah

Thomas and I


I hope you everyone had a wonderful Saturday!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Potty Training...

Well I decided that it was time to start potty training Elijah, he is going to be 3 in July and we are wanting another baby and the hubby says that we wont have to in diapers, so almost two weeks we have been rushing Elijah to the bathroom so he wont lose his star on his pull up! See he goes just fine in the potty but it the whole telling us that he has to go. I put him in his big boy underwear last night and well we went threw those pretty fast! I will ask him do you have to go potty and I get a cute smile and a "no" then two seconds later he pees on the floor! Oh the joys of motherhood! So I am hoping he will catch on and start going by his self! we will see!!!



Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day...

I want to start off my saying Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!

This blog is for two women in my life that has shown me the ways of motherhood, They have helped me so much these past 2 years (almost 3)...

My Mother ~

She is a strong minded women who speaks her mind and tries to control me still even though I am 25 years old but I know she does it out of love and is just trying to keep me on the right path! I use to hate that about her until I became a mother my self and I came to realize she does know what she is talking about. She has taught me to speak my mind and to be a strong women. To stand up for what I truly believe in and to stand my ground. She also taught how to pick my battles and when to let thing go. I am still learning how to do all of these things but with her by my side it is getting easier. I am blessed to have a mother like her!

My Best Friend~

She is is a kind hearted women who is soft spoken and forgiving. She rarly gets angry and when she does you would never know! She is funny and so easy to talk to. She doesnt judge. She has taught me how to chose my words when angry and to re look at things. She has taught me that family comes in all different ways. She has taught me that I am beautiful women and that I deseve the best! She has held my hand through some hard times in my life. I am blessed to have her as a my best friend!

Thank you both of you for all you do for me! I love you both so much!!