Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Elijah~

My son is now 4 years old!! Where does the time go? He is a typical 4 year old to say the least. He is into super hero's, asking why, picking his own clothes out and saying NO! He makes my life so interesting and fun! Not a day goes by when I thank God for giving me this crazy non-stopping talker little boy that has an imagination bigger then the world!

For his birthday we did his favorite super hero IRON MAN!! He loves Iron man, when he gets into one of his silly moods we have to call him Iron man before he will answer whatever I have asked him!
We went swimming and then came back to my house for Hot dogs and cake. Bestie took the pictures with her niffy camera!


He was so excited to see the banner up! All he coulds say was " My birthday is coming"


The Iron Man Cake!! A very yummy cake till the dog decided to finish it off in the middle of the night!!!!




Iron Man Movie!


Iron Man Toys!!!

Blowing out the candles!!! Make a wish!


Needless to say he had a great birthday party! Here are some of my favorite pictures of my 4 year old!!




Happy Birthday to my Big Boy!!! I love you