Thursday, May 20, 2010

Not Much...

Today was another good day. We decided to go out and about today to get Thomas somethings he needed like a new handcuff key and some new boots for work, well we got the key but we couldn't find any boot in his size, so i guess we will have to go to Edmond to get him some new boots.
Then we went to the Zoo and checked out the new petting zoo for the kids, it was really nice but for some reason Elijah could care less about the animals he just wanted to read the maps. We didn't stay very long, it was busy with a bunch of schools and Elijah was cranky! He stayed up really late and got up early so he was not in the best mood. Not the best idea but we wanted to do that before Thomas went back to work.
We came home and we took a short nap and then went to the store to get some dinner stuff ( sandwiches). Had a mini melt down, not sure what got into me but I feel pretty stupid right now!
Well that was pretty much my day, How was yours?

I hope you had a great day!!


  1. Why wasn't I invited to go to the zoo? What's up with that?

  2. Because you had kite day and you were going to see traci!!
