Saturday, March 6, 2010


Today I learned a good lesson that I needed to learn. Words do really hurtfeelings even men's, I always thought men were always suppose to be tough and strong and really didn't have feelings I know that sounds crazy but it how I always felt. Today I over stepped the lined and really hurt my husband with words out of anger. I wish I could take back what I said but I cant and I really hate my self right now for hurting him the way I did, I am the one person that he should trust not to hurt him. I need to learn how to walk away and come back when I am not so mad.
The one thing I really hate about a fight, it is like everything nice you ever said to the person is erased and it takes everything to get back to where you were at. I am feeling stupid, immature and childish.
I am praying that my husband can truly forgive me for my hurtful words...


  1. It'll be ok, Heather. It's bound to happen when two people are married and living together. Some people never learn the lesson you learned and keep doing it. He'll come around just try to keep your head up.

  2. Don't worry Heather, love cures every fight, it happens, like Bishop writes, sometimes we can't control ourselves and our anger, but everything then comes back to peace :)
    I send you a hug, love never fails.

  3. Sticks and Stones can break your bones, but words can break your heart....

    :) You guys will get through this and come out stronger because of it.

    Love you.
