Friday, March 5, 2010

Whole Hearted....

Last night I was talking to my best friend and she said something to me that I have not heard in a really long time and you really don't hear it anymore because of how people are these days. We were talking about love and past relationships and our first crush stuff like that and we have had this talk more then once but she said to me " when I love I give my whole heart away".
Aren't we suppose to give our whole heart away when we love someone? I mean your going to trust this person with you life but not your heart? I too have given my whole heart to someone before my husband and yes I got hurt but It was a risk that I took when I was young and stupid and didn't know what I was doing and when I got it back it was bruised and cut but still in on piece. I know that some people wouldn't take that risk again, they would hold a piece back for safe keeping but I didn't when fell in love with my husband, I just handed over my heart like nothing ever happened and yeah there are scars on my heart but my husbands love has slowly erased them for me. That is what a true love does for you, they will take the bad past you had and give you bright future. Don't hold back your heart because your not giving all you have to them and that is not fair to them, they didn't hurt you and your treating them like they did.
Let them erase the scars for you...

1 comment:

  1. Your words are beautiful, I agree with all you've written. True love gives hope and happiness, no matter what you've suffered for before you met him. I feel exactly this way with my boyfriend, I feel complete with him and never want him to leave me. Thank you for your moving post. sofia.
