Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Something as simple as a water balloon...

So with spring break here I have been thinking about when I was younger and how I loved it, it was the first week since school started that we were able to stay out late and hang out. See I lived on a street full of kids and in the summer we would stay out till 1:00 am and it was the best! So when spring break came the weather was nice enough for us to go out and be together with out the parents listening to our every word. I had 3 best friends growing up and we were always together doing stupid things, trying to be cool yeah we weren't! We would listen to music and tan out in the front yard and drink soda in nifty little cups and just talk about the future. It was always the best and I hated when I would have to go home ( we lived across the street from each other) by the time I would go home I would be so sunburned that I couldn't even wear a bra and the bottom of my feet would be black from wearing no shoes all day. Now our children cant go to the store with out wanting to take a DS or watch a movie in the car,or want something from the store that they dont really need,they cant play outside till late into the night because we are worried something will happen to them. It just sad to me that they will not really have those lazy days just playing outside catching firefly's or star gazing till they get sleepy, Because not only have our children need things, so do we as parents we would rather have them go watch TV or go play on the computer so we don't have to go sit outside and watch them because we need to do something that seems important to us, which is just to go watch a show or play a game on the computer. I bet if we would get our of this frame of mind we are all in then we would enjoy simple things again like we did when we were kids.
When of my favorite memories is from a couple of years ago, I was pregnant with Elijah and we had a get together with a bunch of friends and well we got some water balloons for the kids but it end up the adult against each other and then some how we got water guns and by the end of the water fight we had buckets of water, it was the best!!!
That day was full of laughter and enjoyment and one of the best days of my life since I was a child and it all started from a simple water balloon...

1 comment:

  1. I simply love what you write, it's so moving, even if I'm younger than you, and maybe I can't completely understand all of the experiences and good times of the past you had, because I had a different childhood. But I had black feet too and I miss all that stuff! Now that I'm growing older, I'm gonna be facing the world as it is, degree and then get a job and other adult problems... I'll miss more and more those times when I was carefree and 'wild'. And it just make me sad too that boys and girls now are addicted to videogames and all that stuff. They live virtual life, when it'd be better they lived real life and enjoy their childhood.
