Thursday, July 21, 2011

We are having a...

A baby GIRL!!!
We are so excited to say the least! My official due date is December 19,2011 however I am going to be having another C-section so she will be born a week before. I am beyond blessed. I have my son and now my daughter, I also wanted to have a boy first so he could watch out for his little sister. Elijah is doing better with the whole baby in mommy belly, we went to the best store the other day ( Target) and we were looking at baby stuff and he was going crazy picking things up saying " I buy for baby". He was so funny.
When the lady said Girl, my husband first thing to say was " Great that is two pedicures" I just died laughing! I on cloud nine right now because my life is so full filling and I am so loved and it over whelms me that God has given me so many blessing in my life.
We have a narrowed the names down to Piper and Olivia. I of course love Piper and my love wants Olivia! I have a feeling Piper is going to win though (:
December cant come fast enough! I am ready to hold her and look into her eyes like I did four years ago when God gave me my first blessing.

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