Saturday, February 19, 2011

Three letter words...

" I Love You" Those three words can cause your heart skip, butterflies in your stomach, takes your breath away and go weak in the knees all in one quick swoop and it is the best feeling in the world. You smile for days and you always remember the first time you hear it from that special someone. We wait for the right moment to say it and we wander when we are going to hear it.
So then why after you say it we stop say it? Why after many years together we forget to say it to our loved one? Does the meaning mean less since you have been together for more then 6 months?
I am asking because I have been noticing more and more that couples really dont say it to each other anymore. Yes I know that they may know that they are loved or whatever but everyone still wants to hear it. I always tell my husband I love him no matter what because I dont know if that may be the last time I get to tell him. I still get fluster and butterflies when he tells me and we have been together for almost 9 years.
I wander if couples would be happier if they would say it more to each other and remember how they felt when they heard if for the first...
Just something to think about....

I love you Pictures, Images and Photos

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