Saturday, February 12, 2011

Catching up...

I have been reading though some of my blogs and wow I am a downer! Sorry about that to my fellows bloggers. I get so wrapped up in my thoughts and emotions that I sometimes forget to step back and see what an amazing life that I have been blessed with. So far 2011 is pretty good. Yes I am still struggling with being infertile and the heartache but God's plan is so much bigger and better for me. Other parts of my life are great. I love my job and I think I have found God's path for me. I have decided to go to school for early education and work towards being a Pr-K teacher. If God's plan is for me not to have more children at least I can be surrounded by them everyday.
I am also really learning more about my self in the past few months, I am actually a confident person and I really have my amazing husband to thank for that. He has never given up on me and has always shown me how beautiful I am. I have always been afraid to truly give in to my husband because I am scared that my life is perfect and that when I do give in I will lose him, but as I having been telling my bestie we cant live that way, that is not how we need to live always in fear for the other shoe to drop. So I decided that I am giving in to his love that he has for me and I am going to see my self through his eyes. He makes me feel amazing about my self and I love how I feel when I am around him I want to show him everyday of our lives together how much I love him. God made this man just for me and he is everything I need and want! I love being in love with him.
I am still working on losing weight and well we all know that is nothing new! I have been going to the gym and the other day I ran for the first time in oh EVER!!! But I felt great afterwards granted I ran for like a minute and then walked for five and then run again but hey we have to start somewhere!
Elijah is doing so great in school, he is talking up a storm and he is so smart and I just love hearing about his day and what new things he has learned. He getting so big and really coming in to his own. He will be four this summer and it is killing me!! I am worried whenever we have another one he won't know what to do because it has been just the three of us for so long. I know he will be a great big brother but it will defiantly take some time!!!

Psalms 119: Verse 105 Pictures, Images and Photos

Gods has some amazing things planned for my family and I this year and I am ready to take the path he has for us. God is truly amazing and it just takes my breath away every time I see his works...

1 comment:

  1. We are all entitled to our dark days from time to time.
