Monday, December 14, 2009

My son...

Oh today has been a very lazy day I have done nothing! we have been just laying around and took a long nap and I am still tired! I went to bed at 2:00 am and was up at 8:00 am since my wonderful son decided to get up and go put in The Polar Express! We didn't even hear him get out of bed and he sleeps in our room!!! We heard a train whistle and that is how we knew he was up!!! OH what I am going to do with that little boy he is getting so big so fast!!!! We got his test scores back and she said that he is below average but they way the score is it by numbers and it is 85-115 and his score is 83 and his other is 77 so I really need to work with him she said she recommends speech therphy but my insurance doesn't cover it unless he falls under a list that they have and he doesn't. So she told me some ideas that my work and I am thinking of some things to do with him. When my husband goes to midnights alot is going to change and we are going to be on a better schedule. I feel like it is my fault that he is behind. Elijah is so smart he is thinker and he trys to figure things out I just feel like a the a horrible mother and that I am not giving my son everything he needs. I just don't know what to do, what if he is behind his whole life? I don't want him to end up like me hating school because he doesnt understand what he is being taught or whatever. I just feel liked i failed him as a mother. so we will see how this year goes and pray that he catches up!

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