Sunday, August 14, 2011

Trying to change...

This weekend didn't go as plan and part of is my fault because if things don't go my way then I can be a totally you know what! I wanted this and that and I didn't get it and so I put on my silent treatment towards hubby and then the Witch came out.
As the day went on I started to thinking about everything that happened, I realized I am trying change my husband into something he isn't, I fell in love with him and I married him and he is the same person he was 9 years ago, so why I am trying to change him.
I see other couples and what kind of relationship they have and I judge my husband for not doing what that other husband is doing, which is hurtful and wrong.I have a great husband, I may not get flowers or cards but he really does give me so much more,I just need to realize what is important. He is a good man, he has an amazing heart and he loves me for just me! I am a big girl and he finds me beautiful and sexy ( even though i don't believe him). He is an amazing father and he thrives to take care of us. I know he loves me and 7 years later I just don't understand why he is even with me! I don't know how I got so blessed, instead of trying to change him I need remind my self everything he does for me and our family.
We may fight and we bicker at each other but we have a great relationship and we have a strong love for each other.
I realize I dont want him to change because he is the man that God made for me...

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